1. What is the difference between decision-making and problem solving?
a. What percentage of a typical practice session do you focus on developing decision making?
b. What’s one current drill or game that you typically use in training that you could adjust to emphasize decision-making?
i. Basketball example: instead of doing two line layups, we could add a defender, which dictates how the offense should finish at the rim.
2. “To perceive is to prioritize,” What are the common gaps in perception that your players typically have? What don’t they notice that you want them to?
a. As a group, share or come up with 1-2 training games or exercises that could build your players’ perception in those areas.
3. Discuss and differentiate between the 3 types of training activities (38, 40 & 43).
a. Reflect: In a typical practice, what percentage of the time are you spending in each area?
i. What would your ideal percentage be?
ii. What factors might influence this throughout your season?
4. “Different methods - even what seems like contrasting methods - often work in synergy. Whether a method is good depends on what you’re trying to get done. The answer to most questions about teaching methodology, says Christian Lavers, is ‘It depends’” (38).
a. Share how you determine what works in different situations?
5. What is the connection between automaticity of skills and decision-making?
a. Collaborate: How can you take typical skill-acquisition activities and adjust them to also improve players perception?
6. “For coaches, the role of knowledge is even more important because the decision-making they seek is shared and coordinated among a group of learners. Only knowledge that everyone on the team has and can rely on everyone else knowing allows players to coordinate decisions optimally” (47).
Discuss the 3 tools to build shared knowledge on your team or in your club.
a. How many of these does your team, program, or club have in place?
b. How would it impact the development of your athletes if these were in place? What would the likely challenges be to instituting these?
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