60 TRAINING GAMES For Elite Player Development
We are living in a +me, where children only play football with the supervision of coaches.
Therefore, as coaches we have a huge responsibility to ensure we give +me for children to explore, love and play the game.
“Don’t put yourself under so much pressure to coach in every moment of the session – allow the prac+ce to flow and gain rhythm”.
Self discovery and peer learning are important ingredients to player development and geDng the mix between this and your coaching is very important.
To step back and facilitate children playing the game, to prompt, to encourage, or to give precise feedback are key skills for any coach to develop.
Training sessions need to inspire love for the game, to provoke challenge, to promote individual development and to maximise ac+ve playing +me.
The most important thing you can do as a coach is to set a posi+ve environment that allows
children to express themselves fully. Your personality and communica+on skills will have a huge
posi+ve or nega+ve impact on children and their self belief.
Taking the +me to prepare mentally for your session and to prepare your communica+on is essen+al to your development as a coach.
“Remove the fluff” of too many rules or the rota+on of where players need to be next in order to make a prac+ce work.
Focus more on the children and fine details of how they move, receive, dribble, pass, interact and make decisions while playing.
In short, make each session about the players and not the prac6ces.
Good luck - If I can help you in anyway with advice or guidance, please don't hesitate in contac+ng me.
Yours in Football
Michael Beale
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