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Pre-Season/ Pre In-Season (4-6 weeks) PDF

Pre-Season/ Pre In-Season (4-6 weeks) PDF

Soccer is the total sport. It is not just a summer time game anymore.

Coaches need to prepare a well thought out fitness training program to maximize player’s performances. Soccer is a game that requires players to perform with short bursts of power and speed, while maintaining the ability to keep going for 90 minutes or more.

This takes us to our first stage of the fitness training process:

Pre-Season/ Pre In-Season (4-6 weeks) 

This is the phase of your soccer training program that will have the greatest impact on your game-from a fitness perspective.
This stage will take a closer look at 4 areas of fitness to focus on: Endurance Training, Strength Training, Speed Training, and Flexibility.

Endurance Training

By now, all of your endurance training should be in the form of interval training. Your soccer training should also become more specific during the late pre-season.

Try to match the movement patterns you would find in a typical match. Keep the intervals short and intense.

You will want to incorporate twists, turns, lateral movements and running backwards, train on the surface you play on most often (turf or grass). Active recovery periods will be required during these training sessions.

Strength Training

Strength training will start to be phased out and will be replaced with power training sessions. Power Training Sessions will consist of Plyometric training.

Plyometrics can be extremely effective at developing power and explosive speed off-the-mark speed. However, this style of training is not suitable for everyone. With younger athletes, form and technique is very important to reduce the risk of injury.

Speed Training

As the season gets closer the training style will start to shift once again. Soccer Fitness Training will emphasize quickness and sharpness.

Again your conditioning must be soccer specific. For this phase it is important to vary the sprint starts.

For example, by running backwards for a few yards first and then turning into a full sprint. Jumping to head a ball before a sprint, controlling a pass and then playing a give and go emphasizing the sprint, etc.


As the volume and intensity of your soccer training increases, flexibility training becomes even more essential.

This will be a vital component of the training. Flexibility will help prevent injury during long seasons.

Having the players do a proper cool down and stretch after every game and practice will help prevent injuries in the long run.

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