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12 Week Technical Training Program PDF

12 Week Technical Training Program


As you decide to become a better soccer player you must be responsible for your own development.

Dontuseyourownsituationas an excuse as to why you are not developing.Improve yourself no matter what. You are in control.

If you follow this program, you will be a much improved soccer player and you will be developing the self-responsibility and self discipline needed to improve your technique.

This is a 12 week program that is designed specifically for you. It is based on your F.A soccer star challenge performance.

Completion of the program is a minimum of 3 days completed per week. You can train as much as you want each day but one day can only count as one day. You cannot do 3 days of workouts in one day and count it as 3 days.

Use your creativity to work on the assigned skills. This is your chance to improve your skills and be a much improved player.

Only you can decide.How it works:The program has a minimum of 3 individual workouts per week and a maximum of 5.

Each workout is approximately 40 minutes and involves 10 minutes of juggling and 3 different activities of 10minutes each.

When you are ready to do a session, follow the schedule for Day 1 of that week.Afteryouvedonethat, check off day 1.

The next day you want to do something,followDay2sschedule.

If you wait 3 days between sessions or go the next day, you still do Day 2. 

The next time Day 3, etc. If you do a session every day of that week, you will only have 5 days for that week. Regardless,thenextweek,youllstart on Day 1 of the next week.

If you want to do more, do each section longer or work on additional skills, but you cannot check off more than one day per day.

Upon completion of the 12 week program you will have logged six hours of juggling and over 10 hours of: running with the ball, turning with the ball, speed technique, dribbling with the ball, heading, and shooting.

Once completed, you and a parent/guardian must sign the program checklist. Return the checklistto Antonio Sabio, your SYSO director of coaching.

SYSO will recognize players for completion of the standard program (3 days a week for 12 weeks).

You will need a soccer ball, a wall to kick against, and something to use as cones.

Before you start a training session:

Pay attention to the key factors for each technique.

Set yourself a daily target for each technique(i.e. 130 juggles).

After you have completed a training session:

Attempt these techniques in games.

Watch other players execute these techniques.

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